As an essential business, The DOT Corp is committed to remaining open as long as the government allows so that we can best serve our clients during these turbulent times. However, our highest priority remains the health and safety of our clients and staff. Because of that, effective immediately, we are implementing the following procedures to do our part to “flatten the curve.”
- Daily sanitizing equipment and high touch points in the office.
- Hand sanitizing stations throughout our facilities, equipped with sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
- Employees are being reminded to frequently wash hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
- Maintaining 6ft distance between staff, and between staff and clients.
- Allowing non essential staff to work from home.
- Moving all client meetings to phone or online.
- Ensuring that employees who become ill stay home.
If you have any other questions about the cleanliness or safety of our staff or facilities, please don't hesitate to contact your account rep or email [email protected]. You can find an exhaustive list of preventative measures by visiting the CDC website