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Latest from THE DOT

News and articles from The Dot, your all-in-one solution for printing, fulfillment and distribution, direct mail, retail graphics, digital apps and creative design.

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The Dot Corp Honored for Excellence

We’re thrilled to celebrate Ruben Gonzalez, named 2024 Mentor of the Year by the Santa Ana District Postal Customer Council (PCC)! His dedication to mentoring and fostering strong connections within the mailing

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Nurturing Stability and Growth

At The Dot Corp, our greatest asset isn't just our innovative products or services; it's our people. We take pride in nurturing careers that span decades, fostering an environment where dedication is rewarded

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Bridging Communities

For years, "The Dot Connects" has been more than a mere catchphrase at The Dot Corp—it's been a guiding principle that reflects how the company strives to connect clients with a wide

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A Day of Volunteering

On June 3, 2023, some of The Dot employees, along with many volunteers gathered at the CHOC Foundation, ready to lend a helping hand and make a difference in the lives of others.

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The Effectiveness of Direct Mail

The statistics presented here from "Postalytics" emphasize the enduring value and effectiveness of direct mail as a marketing channel. Despite the prevalence of digital marketing, direct mail continues to resonate with consumers, driving

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A Look at General Direct Mail Statistics

In today's digital age, where social media and email marketing dominate, one might question the relevance of direct mail. However, the statistics surrounding direct mail reveal its enduring value and effectiveness as a

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Dot Corp Volunteer Day

0:00/1× The Dot Corp is passionate about volunteering, and making a difference. On March 18, 2023 our team was in full force, putting together cancer comfort packages for cancer patients. YANA

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Making Room For The Future

Exciting things are happening at The DOT! We said good-bye to one of our digital presses, the HP Indigo, which has been in operation for about 10 years. We also reconfigured the press

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Moves Toward Environmental Sustainability

At The DOT, we believe corporate citizenship includes actions and policies that protect and improve the environment. Because of this, we prioritize sustainability as we make operational decisions. It’s seen in our

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Widen Your Vision

Wider variety of sizes. Wider variety of substrates. Wider variety of solutions. Our second wide format printer, the EFI Pro 30h, prints the big stuff - indoor/outdoor signs, banners, posters and retail

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It's Our Mission To Support Your Mission

Welcome to The DOT Healthcare Logistics located in Santa Ana, CA. We are at the forefront of the healthcare supply chain transformation, making wellness more accessible by bringing testing kits and devices straight

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What is the Postal Reform Act 2022?

Last month, President Biden signed the Postal Reform Act 2022. The reform bill was written to give the United States Postal Service flexibility, as well as accountability, to get itself out of its

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